We're retiring…Pedri declares pleasant war on 'declared retirement' cross → "I'll make it the last game."

We're retiring…Pedri declares pleasant war on 'declared retirement' cross → "I'll make it the last game."

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Pedri González, a key player in Spain and Barcelona's midfield, provoked a key Tony Cross between Germany and Real Madrid.

British Tribune noted Pedri's remarks on the 4th (Korea Standard Time), saying, "Pedri has revealed his dream of helping Real midfielder Cross retire."

Spain and Germany will play in the quarterfinals of the UEFA 2024 European Championship (Euro 2024) at Arena Stuttgart, located in Stuttgart, Germany, at 1 a.m. on the 6th.

The showdown between Spain, which is showing the best performance with a 100% win rate in this tournament, and Germany, a four-game undefeated battle tank, is expected to be the best big match of the tournament.

According to the media, Pedri acknowledged his opponent that "Cross is a legend" before the game, but said, "I hope the game against us will be his last game."

Pedri faced Cross countless times in his team Barcelona. This is because Barcelona and Cross' Real Madrid are the best rivals in the world.

Pedri, who stood out from an early age and instantly rose to the core of Barcelona, boasts vigorous activity, tireless physical strength, precise dribbling and accurate passing skills. She is also capable of repressing.

As a veteran, Cross has excellent ability to coordinate matches. His mobility has decreased a lot, but he is second to none in his ability to pass. Compared to when Cross played and missed, Real's control of the midfield shows a big difference.

However, the two players will not be able to meet each other from next season. Cross has announced his retirement from active duty after the Euro competition.

"I've been thinking about retiring for a really long time," Cross said of his decision to retire at a rather early age of four. "Over the past few days, I've come to the conclusion that this is my 10th season and my last season at Real."

"If you've listened carefully to me over the past few years, you've heard the sentence at least once that the only option for me is to end my career at Real," he said, adding, "This means that my last season at Real ended this summer with Real and football."

Euro 2024 is Kroos' last competition as a player. With many fans eager to see Kroos succeed, Pedri has declared that he will end Kroos' journey in the quarterfinals.

Pedri wasn't the only one who thought of turning this game into a stage for Cross' retirement. "I hope this will be Cross's last game," said Spanish striker Hosselu, who was a teammate of Real Madrid last season. "It's not a special game because of Cross, it's a special game because it's a quarterfinal match against a great team. I hope we can retire Cross." 고수익알바

"Cross was my friend. He talked a lot and gave me a lot of advice. He was an important player in Germany and Real Madrid. You have to be careful of cross," he said.

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